How to Spot Fraud

How to protect Your Oxford Life Account

Every day scam artists use clever schemes to defraud unsuspecting people. Oxford Life is committed to your security and we want to make sure you are equipped with the tools necessary to recognize suspicious activity.

While Oxford Life has security measures in place to monitor your account and detect fraud, over 50 percent of all identity theft is first discovered by the victim. Stay vigilant of your accounts and educate yourself on how to recognize fraud.

Know what to Look for

Fraud can happen to anyone, at any time. Take charge of your security and know how to spot the warning signs to prevent becoming a victim.

  • Unexpected charges on your account
  • Beware of suspicious calls and emails, especially those threatening law enforcement action
  • Unrecognizable accounts on your credit report or inaccurate information
  • Bills or statements and other mail unexpectedly stops arriving via US mail (this could mean an identify thief has changed your billing address or stopped your mail)
  • Notifications about address, password, or information changes that you did not make
  • Unreasonable denial of credit or notification that you were denied credit that you did not apply for
  • Calls from debt collectors for items you did not purchase
  • Banks and financial institutions freeze your accounts

Know the Scams

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Scams are not isolated to the internet. Be aware of phone, text, email, and social media scams where criminals attempt to gain access to your personal information through the disguise of a sweepstake, prize or lottery winnings. Never wire funds to unknown third-parties. Be skeptical of emails where the email address does not look right, or the email contains spelling errors or broken English.

Ways to Keep your Personal Information Secure

  • Keep your contact information up to date
  • Review account activity regularly
  • Create a strong, unique passwords for each online sign in, and change them regularly
  • Always use a secure website to send personal or financial information
  • Install anti-virus and anti-spyware software on your devices
  • Consider signing up for a credit monitoring service and review your credit report frequently
  • Do not provide personal information to anyone you do not know, especially in an email
  • Beware of “phishing” emails that may ask you to verify or change your account in any way
  • Sign up for email or text alerts to notify you when certain events occur
  • Shred or destroy documents that contain personal or sensitive information

What to do if you believe you have been the Victim of Fraud

Report account fraud to your bank or other financial institutions. If you think your Oxford Life account has been compromised, call us immediately at (866)641-9999 .

Contact one of the three major credit reporting agencies to place a fraud alert on your credit report*. When you place a fraud alert on your credit report, any new credit requests or changes to account information will need to be reviewed carefully to verify the identity of the requestor.

Equifax: 1-800-525-6285
Experian: 1-888-397-3742
TransUnion: 1-800-680-7289

Order a credit report and review it carefully for accounts that you did not open, debts that seem out of place, or any inconsistencies in your personal information. Continue to monitor your financial accounts and credit report for at least the first year after discovering the fraud.

If you think your social security number has been jeopardized, call the Social Security Administration Fraud hotline at 1-800-269-0271.

How to Protect your Oxford Life Account

Consider adding a verbal password to your account. You will be asked to repeat the password anytime you call customer service and the call will only continue if you properly identify the password.

Sign up for our online customer portal and review your account frequently. Customers who access their accounts online are likely to detect fraud earlier than those who rely solely on mailed statements.

Oxford Life utilizes security software and has processes in place to authenticate users; however monitoring not only your Oxford Life account, but all your personal accounts is the best way to protect yourself from becoming a victim of fraud or identity theft.

Do not share personal account information, even with friends or family, or store information in a place that is not secure.

Report any suspicious activity right away.

Oxford Life will never request personal information via email, and never give out account information over the phone unless you initiated the call.

Have questions or need more assistance? Please do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about security, privacy, or to report suspected fraud at (866)641-9999 or email us at